Our Cinematic 360 production of Christopher Trapani’s End Words, recorded by Ekmeles and re-mastered by Christopher for this production is now available through Vimeo’s on-demand.
Below are five excerpts from our live-stream project with Ekmeles that included Karlheinz Stockhausen’s In the Sky I Am Walking (1972) and Raven Chacon’sAsdzaa Nádleehé & Yoolgai Asdzaa (2016). The full performance and additional information/writing about the project can be found here.
We created visual art/video/titling/staging elements for this special event, streamed live from the singers’ home in Brooklyn, NY.
LOVE SONG (Nootka) No matter how hard I try to forget you, you always come back to my mind, and when you hear me singing you may know I am weeping for you.PLAINT AGAINST THE FOG (Nootka) Don’t you ever, You up in the sky, Don’t you ever get tired Of having the clouds between you and us?PERUVIAN DANCE SONG (Ayacucho) Wake up, woman, Rise up, woman, In the middle of the street, A dog howls. May the death arrive May the dance arrive Comes the dance You must dance, Comes the death You can’t help it! Ah! what a chill, Ah! what a wind….SONG OF A MAN WHO RECEIVED A VISION (Teton Sioux) Friends, behold! Sacred I have been made. Friends, behold! In a sacred manner I have been influenced At the gathering of the clouds. Sacred I have been made, Friends, behold! Sacred I have been made.
2014 – maya + rouvelle collaboration with artist James Rouvelle / live recording of performance with handmade glass instruments and electro-magnets from our artist residencies at the Museum of Glass and Pilchuck Glass School.
à la vitesse de ton souffle was influenced by our time walking in and around Paris, La Générale/AtelierPier (residency/gallery) and Versailles – it is an installation in the form of a sequence of compositions and spaces made of sound, light, objects, code and movement, activated by visitors walking through the gallery at the speed of their own breathing.